
Rape In The 1920s

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In 2011, FBI Director Robert S. Muller III told Congress that the FBI Advisory Board approved a new definition of rape to define rape as “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part of object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim” (Ryan, 2011, pg.1). This revised definition includes both males and females. The terms “rape” and “sexual assault” refers to any unwanted contact of the sexual organs of one person, whether male or female, by another person, regardless of gender, with or without penetration and with or without resulting physical injury (Burgess, Regehr, and Roberts, 2013).
Rape is a serious violation of somebody’s body without getting their consent …show more content…

It seems these behaviors did not change at all considering in the 1920s, attitudes shifted from the patronizing and paternalistic to blame and culpability of the victims. Men in positions of authority expressed concerns about false accusations of rape by children and adult women and judges began to behave punitively to those making complaints. Women and girls were sexualized and deemed responsible for rape. The American Journal of Urology and Sexology in 1918 and 1919 ran articles warning lawyers to "the great danger that men are often in from false accusations by female children and women" (Bindel, 2013). These are behaviors and accusations that still exist today. A few days ago, one of the most powerful man in Hollywood was accused of rape and sexual harassment and assault by a couple of brave women that decided to break their silence on their pain. What continues to happen is many more women sharing their stories of abuse felt by this man, Harvey Weinstein, all sharing the same experience they were asked to visit his hotel. Ideally due to the severity of this case and number of accusations something would finally be done regarding the mistreatment of what actresses suffer because of men in power but it probably won’t happen. Unfortunately, there’s been numerous powerful men in Hollywood that have been accused of sexual misconduct before and they continue to work as freemen doing a …show more content…

That means about 2 out of 3 go unreported (RAINN, 2016). Rape is a crime that goes grossly unreported because the victim feels embarrassment and intimidation of possible retaliation and because they don’t want to relieve their trauma over and over. Most victims want to forget that their attack happened and try to move on unfortunately it’s something that follows them forever, like a scar that won’t heal. What also determines if the victim will take the next step in reporting their crime is how the law enforcement officer answering her plea for help reacts to their case, whether they show the appropriate sympathy and try to comfort them instead of coming off as accusing and intimidating. If the victim appears visibly shaken and in tears that would trigger a more empathetic response compared if the victim appears composed which might trigger the question whether the claim of being raped is true. Officers should be properly trained beforehand on how to handle victims of rape because what their body language projects plays a big factor in whether the victim chooses to report the crime. When dealing in accusing men in power of rape the first questions will always be if the victim is lying and is searching for fame or money. Because in that scenario the man has more to lose than the victim, like his reputation for

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