
Rationale Nursing Leadership

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This essay aims to define and analyse the leadership within the context of the NHS and specifically in the nursing profession. Further, this assignment will highlight some of the current incidents of poor leadership within the Health service. It will then briefly discuss some of the leadership theories and styles whilst exploring my own leadership style rationale. SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats) analysis will be conducted to identify my leadership potential, which will be included in the Appendix. In addition, this essay will reflect the scenario of the practice where I have demonstrated my “strengths” and “weakness”. Lastly, this essay will outline a development plan to address my weakness using SMART goals and then the …show more content…

In contemporary nursing, the majority of tasks are performed by a team rather than the individual. The way a nurse manager leads her staff, not only affects the employee’s morale and productivity, it also affects the quality of patient care(). Thus good leadership is expected from individuals at every level of the healthcare system. Sullivan and Decker (2004) stated that nurses often step up to the leadership roles both as a formal and informal. A nursing leader is one who continuously emphasises on safe, high quality, compassionate care and who is involved in direct patient care (King Fund 2016). In addition, Beck ()stressed the importance of leadership in nursing is vital, as the nurses are responsible for leading and managing the care environment and must implement leadership skill throughout their interactions with the patient, and their families and …show more content…

Regardless of many excellent cares, there are still some current incidents happen within the healthcare sectors where they fail to demonstrate effective leadership. I have chosen transformational leadership as my leadership style because it is based on embracing change and promoting innovation. SWOT analysis (Appendix) was performed to identify my leadership potential, reflective account was generated to demonstrate my strength and weakness and an action plan was outlined using SMART goal (Appendix2) to improve my weakness. Several leadership theories and style are relevant to nursing practice but there is no definite evidence on which theory is most effective. Although many nurses prefer transformation leadership style I would recommend being flexible in the leadership styles is most effective in nursing. Because nurses are facing many different situations every day and there no particular leadership style that applies to the entire

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