
Raw By Scott Monk Essay

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Individuals make the decision, whether to conform or not to conform. These decisions can be directly correlated to an individual's experiences of family and friends. This idea is in direct conjunction to the statement. "Conformity can have both positive and negative consequences". This idea is evident, through relationships with family, friends, mentors and environment. Furthermore is explored in text ‘Raw’ by Scott Monk, and the novel ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell. Monk, explores the concept of a young boy, struggling to conform to society’s rules, while, Orwell explores the concept of communism, through allegory.

Conformity acts as a gateway for individuals to grow and mature. This concept is evident in the prescribed text, ‘Raw’ by Scott Monk. The use of imperative dialogue combined with Brett’s naive tone, “I don’t want to follow any stupid rules” highlights Brett’s ignorant attitude, portraying the negative consequences of not conforming to society. Through experiencing interactions peers, Brett forms new relationships which allows Brett to grow as a person. This idea, is further exemplified through the use of dialogue coinciding with a sincere tone. In, “Its my fault!I’m the one to blame(for what)”(consider changing). Monk …show more content…

Orwell conveys the positive aspect, of of conformity. This idea, is evident, when the pigs write the farms seven commandments. The use of allusion, “The seven commandments… unalterable law which animals must live by for ever.” Orwell’s allusion to the biblical commandments, emphasises the equalness of animals. However, the animals attitude to conform, leads to a negative consequence, they are easily misled. This concept is evident when the pigsexemplfy their power, the use of , demonstrates the influence of conforming to animalism, as Boxer has protested to expressing his individuality. Hence the influence of conformity, on

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