
Essay about Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

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Fahrenheit 451 is a literary work of art. It is a novel about censorship and one mans fight against it. The story was written in the fifties, but is set in the future. Ray Bradbury’s prediction of what the future will be like is precise in some aspects, but completely outrageous in others. He pictures the future as a somewhat a dictatorship government. The government controlled everything in their lives. People don’t think either. Technology is made it so that people are given all their information through a television sort of a device that imitates a family. Books are obsolete, so they are burned. Our hero of this story is a “fireman';. Only, these futuristic firemen don’t fight fires, they burn …show more content…

Montag stays home from work the next day and Captain Beatty came by to check on Montag. He started talking to Montag about the history of the fireman. He says that mass media led to the condensing of books so much that all thought was lost altogether. Mildred finds the book under Montag’s pillow and begins to say something. Montag stops her and Beatty continues talking to him. Beatty says that all books were diluted until only comic books, trade journals, and sex magazines were left. He explains that a fireman’s job changed after all houses were fireproofed. His new mission was to burn books so that one could not excel over another and make everyone else feel inferior. He then tells Montag that every fireman become curious about books and reads one. Montag then asks what happens if a fireman takes a book home. Beatty says the fireman has 24 hours to burn the book. He also states that if that person does not burn the book in 24 hours, they must burn down their house and arrest them. Beatty leaves and tells Montag to try to come in for a late shift. When Beatty leaves, Montag reveals 20 or more books hidden in the heat vent. He picks up one and starts reading it.
The Sieve and the Sand
They both spend the day reading, and Mildred argues that she likes the pretty colors of television more than boring books. Montag realizes that he needs someone to teach him how to understand

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