
Raynor's Argument Analysis

Decent Essays

Maximizing shareholder value can prevent the survival of a corporation. “Wise leader attend to legitimate needs of employees, investors, suppliers, and communities but avoid tying to satisfy any of them to the most extent possible” (Raynor, 2009). Raynor sums up his argument by explaining that shareholder theory has to measure the share price of the shareholder which is not measurable. I agree with his argument. Do to the market fluctuation it impossible to decide when the shareholder has reach it most value. A shareholder can make a large amount of money one year. The next two years never come close to what was considered a large amount initially. The decision to dissolve a potentially good corporation would become a frequent decision in the market. I understand that a company is created to make profits. But the long term of the company would be put a risk. …show more content…

By focusing on the corporation multiple correlating components are effected such as, shareholders, employees, suppliers and the environment in a positive way. Raynor gave an example of a company that focus on the interest of the corporation, like Costco Wholesale. Costco focus on the employees moral and the consumers wants. Therefore, the company is in a place to continue to buy from its suppliers. The shareholders received continuous amounts of profits. When a consumer goes to buy an item the consumer is then introduced to the corporation. If the corporation does not cater to the need of the consumers. Then the corporation profits would decrease. Without consumers corporations would not exist. I believe that the idea of focusing on the corporation and it long term stands would bring greatest amount of profits. Increasing life expectancy of a corporation would be more profits to

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