
Reaction Paper On Supersize Me

Satisfactory Essays

AGEC Module 2 Viewpoint 2:

The documentary “Supersize Me” shows how eating every meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, at a fast food restaurant, everyday for thirty days’ decreases someone’s health. Morgan Spurlock did this trial to himself to see what would happen to his overall health. Before he started this experiment he was tested by three different doctors including a general practitioner, a cardiologist and a gastroenterologist. His health and tests from each of these showed that he was in outstanding health. He also checks with a dietitian/nutritionist and an exercise physiologist that told him he was above average fitness. Other factors in this experiment include limiting his steps to less than five thousand per day while doing no exercise, and at least eating every item once in the trial. The doctors and medical experts had some predictions about his general health decline by the end of this experiment. His girlfriend is a vegan and made predictions about how his mood would change after the thirty days. …show more content…

In my opinion, I think this experiment is too extreme for what he is trying to prove. Most people do not eat at a fast food restaurant every day for each meal so their health would not deteriorate as fast as Morgan’s. There are adults that do eat at a fast food restaurant every day or at least three to four times a week and if they have children it is just teaching them bad eating habits. Not only are they teaching them bad habits but they are starting a life of obesity early on that the child may have to deal with for the rest of their

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