
Reader-Response Criticism of James Joyce’s Eveline from Dubliners

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A Subjective Reader-Response Criticism of James Joyce’s Eveline

The subjectivity evident in literary interpretation is hard to deny. Though one

person may feel that James Joyce’s writing proves Joyce’s support of the feminist

movement, another may believe that Joyce views women as inferior. What could account

for such a difference in opinions? Schwarz explains that subjective reader-response

critics would respond to a question such as this by answering that each reader uses the

literary work to symbolize his or her own life and, therefore, each response is unique to

the individual reader. He asserts that the reader will always find an identity theme in the

particular text he or she is reading. Consequently, …show more content…

Readers respond to “literature in terms of their own lifestyles,”

which have “grown through time” and is also any new experience the individual brings

with them, including the experience of literature (Holland 973). Therefore, when people

reread stories, they may interpret them differently from when they originally read these


The changing interpretation that time and new experiences bring was evident to

me after rereading “Eveline” a year after my original reading. In both readings, I found

that because of my own desire to symbolize my life through “Eveline,” I emphasized

specific images and concepts in the story that most closely correlate with my own life and

feelings. However, in reading the story a year later, my original interpretation of the

story was altered due to new experiences in my life. Though in both readings I found as

the theme of “Eveline” my own psychological need to overcome the paralysis of fear and

obligation and take a chance for a more satisfying way of life, the causes of paralysis and

obligation were different.

For both readings, the first image presented by Joyce that truly caught my

attention was that of Eveline leaning against the window curtains, smelling the dusty

cretonne and looking out upon a quiet avenue that had

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