
Reagan Waskom Analysis

Decent Essays

The first speaker, Reagan Waskom, said he would discuss the global, national, and local scales of the world and how they all partake in each others overall well being, however, he focused and emphasized the global scale problems and solutions. There is a human dilemma that has been surrounding the whole world, which is how to meet the demands of a growing population without causing too much harm to the ecosystem and its services. Also, he talked about Global Water Resource Challenges; this consists of sanitation and access to clean water, weather extremes, ecosystem services, food security, water of energy, water for development, and water quality. Water quality led him into discussing the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, and how too many people …show more content…

A population and income growth will create an increased demand for food, which will lead to a more intense competition for water by other sectors. Lastly, he ended with the solutions to secure our water future: Sharing water between humans and environment, protecting water from pollution, water conservation, desalination, reusing, modernizing infrastructure, alternative energy and energy efficiency, food choices and agricultural production schemes, managing growth, and improved water governance. The second speaker, Jeni Arndt, talked for a brief time about scarce resources and her help with water legislation: passing three bills. The third speaker, Gregory Hobbs, talked about the amount of sharing that is done with water. Colorado, itself, shares water with 18 downward states. He expanded on ways to deal with the water crisis: ditches, reservoir storage, well pumping, and great land use decisions. Joe Meigs, the fourth speaker, spoke about aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) technologies. The ASR is a proven technology that involves the introduction of non-native water into an aquifer, which acts as a vessel for the storage of

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