
Realism in Theatre Essay

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The theatrical plays of “Angels in America” and “August: Osage County” both of the playwrights create a heart wrenching, tear jerking, and amazing work. Each character is developed to have its own sets of values, beliefs, and attitudes towards life and so there are no two characters alike. With each character having its own identity, it brings a sense of excitement and unpredictability in the plays. Tracy Letts the writer for “August: Osage County” establishes a sense of reality in his play by developing characters that everyone can relate too. His play is about family, the use of drugs, cancer, and suicide, subjects that people go through during their lifetime. Tony Kushner the playwright of “Angels in America” provides the same feeling …show more content…

Even though the actors are well rehearsed when it comes to moving around the stage, they do it so effortlessly that it’s not a distraction for the audience. The movement of actors may be considered a small thing, but it’s what make a play realistic or not. For a realistic play, the way the actors behave makes it seem they are not worried about the audience and being in their way. They talk, walk and act in a manner similar to that of our everyday behavior. In “August: Osage County” the actors are so believable that we as spectators forget it’s a play but rather seeing a glimpse into someone’s family. The realistic play of "August: Osage County" has everyone relating to someone or something during the course of the production. The topics of cancer, marijuana, molestation, drug addiction, and much more have audience members connecting to these characters in a way that a play has never done before. This play is considered a dark comedy and it has people experiencing both laughter and discomfort, sometimes simultaneously (Black Comedy). They address topics that are taboo in society, issues that theatrical plays never dream of dedicating an entire show to. Tracy Letts is a fierce writer who doesn’t back away from subject matters that are controversial and not the norm for a traditional play. The topic of prescription drug abuse engulfs the entire

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