
Realistic Portrayal Of Dogra

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Realistic Portrayal of Dogra Society is B.P. Sathe’s Short Story Kudme da Lahma.

Dogri language is my mother tongue as I belong to the Dogra society. Dogras are known for their bravery and valour. India’s Dogra regiment fought in the British army in the world war and thus brought laurels to the name of Dogras. Another major contribution of dogras is the accession of Kashmir to India. It was because of active role of dogra rulers that Kashmir became a part of independant India after partition. Now-a- days a whole genre of research has opened up dogra culture and literature to be read and analysed. In this paper an attempt has been made to study Sathe’s short story to bring out elements of reality in his fictional work.
Keywords: Dogri Literature, Short story, Realism.

Submitted by
Rishika Sharma.
Research Scholar
Deptt. of English
University of Jammu.
Contact: 9419717823

Realistic Portrayal of Dogra Society is B.P. Sathe’s Short Story Kudme da Lahma. Dogra region was flooded with a whole lot of orality in folk lores, songs ballads, proverbs etc. In theses folk tales and songs were sung the greatness of love, the stories of great personalities from Duggar land like Baba Jitto, Miya Dido etc. This oral tradition in Dogra culture cannot be looked out as insigmificant …show more content…

His first compilation of short stories has been aptly titled “Pehla Phuli” in 1947 as it was the first flower that bloomed in this literary genre of short story in Dogri language. This paper attempts to examine his short story ‘Kudme da lahma’ (In-law’s Reproach). It is a very short story of about 500 words but the impact this story creates is immense. The story gives an authentic account of life of dogras, their rituals and customs. The story is realistically told and the detailed compulsive description of the lower strata of society has been emphatically portrayed by the

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