
Reasons For Mergers And How They Are Reshaping And Impacting Health Delivery Essay

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Abstract Health Care Organization mergers have increased over the last five years due to the passage of federal healthcare reform legislation combined with other factors. It encourages that within the next few years; there will be a key period of merging for healthcare organizations. This term paper will observe the reasons for mergers and how they are reshaping and impacting health delivery. Introduction Hospitals all across America are merging. With tight restrictions as the uninsured population grows and concern as healthcare reform approaches, hospitals and physicians all across the country are seeking merger opportunities. “The number of hospital transactions announced in 2015 grew 18 percent compared with 2014 and 70 percent compared with 2010. In 2015, 112 hospital transactions were announced compared with 95 transactions in 2014 and 66 in 2010” (Kaufman, Hall & Associates, LLC). This burst of mergers symbolizes a significant time as the way healthcare delivered is changing and hospitals are struggling to survive in this competitive market. It is important to understand why there is a strong movement towards hospital consolidation and why we should be concerned from a patient and future health administrator standpoint. Health administrators who create these mergers feel that consolidations appear to be a positive trend that will

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