
How Did Spain Conquer South America

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The belief that history is written by the victors is certainly the case when it comes to the Spanish colonialization of the Americas. A majority of the texts describing the Spanish conquest of South America and Caribbean are from the perspective of the Spanish and are bias toward the Spanish cause. Two such texts that offer a differing viewpoint are The Florentine Codex and A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies by Bartolome de las Casas. The Florentine Codex gives the story of Moctezuma and the natives of South America as they faced invasion from the conquistadores. The other account from de las Casas, a Dominican friar, tells of the hardships and cruelty the natives faced when the Spanish stepped foot and set up societies in the Caribbean. While conquering the Americas, the Spanish conquistadores showed no empathy for the people they defeated along the way and often manipulated and killed the natives for their own personal gain. They treated the natives as inferiors and this all stemmed from their motivation for the conquest. The motivations of the invading Spaniards blinded and allowed them to view and keep the natives of the Americas as inferior to themselves and therefore made it easier to justify conquering and controlling them. The main motivations that drove the Spanish to conquer South America were their pursuit of obtaining gold, showing the power of Spain, and using Christianity as a means to justify their actions. The most compelling motivation for the

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