
Reasons Why the United States Withdrew Its Forces in 1973 Essay

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Reasons Why the United States Withdrew Its Forces in 1973 America's involvement in a war in Vietnam began just after World War Two. America was not prepared to leave Vietnam open to Communist control, as Ho Chi Minh, the leader of the time, had strong ties to the Soviet Union, America's nemesis. The Domino Theory was the fear that drove them. If one country fell to communism, all the countries around it would soon enough fall too. Yet somewhere along the line this fear became too little a reason to win the war. After millions of US dollars had been ploughed into Vietnam, a peak of 600,000 US troops and thousands of tonnes of weapons, America could still not win this war. Where did it all go …show more content…

Yet for the Vietnamese civil conflict had been going on for decades before and each person had their own disasters that had touched their lives. Although America did try to provide hospitals for the civilians and any form of medical aid, these doctors ended up doing more damage than good. Many diseases in Vietnam were unheard of in America and so the doctors did not know how to treat them, often providing unnecessary medication. Other than this the Americans did more harm than good. They offered nothing more. Constant bombing of villages and towns angered the civilians, who failed to see how they could trust a country that was killing thousands of innocent lives. The Vietcong, however, offered the peasants freedom for all and land. This appealed to the peasants, who longed for a better life. Many civilians in South Vietnam secretly supported the Vietcong, believing that the Vietcong would have a positive impact on their lives. Also America didn't have enough passion to win the war, the soldiers fought because the Government told them to. The Vietcong fought for what they believed to be morally right. This was their country, their people. They weren't prepared to give up on the dream they had had ever since French control. Their dream…freedom. The Vietcong had been busy during the early years of the war. They knew of Americas vast bombing programme and that these

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