
Recommendations Report: IBM’s Watson

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Recommendations Report IBM’s Watson One night while out to dinner with his coworkers IMB research manager Charles Lickel noticed that the restaurant he was eating at fell to a complete silence. Everyone had their eyes locked on the nearest television; Ken Jennings was in the middle of his 74th consecutive winning streak on Jeopardy. Lickel was intrigued by what had happened that night and decided that beating Jeopardy could be an exciting challenge for IBM. However finding a researcher to take on this challenge was not so easy. It would be a very complex challenge and would require radical innovations in the science of artificial intelligence. Eventually an IBM researcher David Ferrucci and his team took the challenge to create a …show more content…

IBM’s business model is based on continuous forward motion. A a well established firm and because they now have the tools in place to develop and capture economic opportunity IBM will not hesitate to adopt or develop new technologies such as Watson. There are two types of innovation, incremental innovations which improving existing products or practices, but IBM’s research teams are encouraged to take on “grand challenges,” challenges that drive science. These grand challenges produce radical innovations which provide new and very different solutions; the development of Watson was no exception. Watson is a competence enhancing innovation for IBM and is built on existing knowledge from IBM’s research in AI. AI’s S-curve in technology improvement has been slow to improve mainly because it has been poorly understood. Language is one of the areas concerning AI that has been the slowest to improve. As humans we relate words, images, phrases, and ideas back into the way we think which is called natural language. Since the begging of the computer era people have expected computers to be able to understand and speak in natural language, however so far computers have failed to be able to do so. Natural language is very complex, something that computers have a hard time following. Computers are used to clear-cut commands in language where as human language is something different. In the development of Watson the

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