During the reconstruction of the south after the civil war, there was a lot of changes occurring through the south. Governments were stuck between the Southern Democrats who wanted the south to remain controlled by white southern leaders and Southern and Northern Republicans who were trying to help freed people gain rights, education, political positions, and open up business opportunities for Northern interests. Reconstruction governments were not very liked by your average white southerner, mostly because of all the reformation to education, laws, social services, transportation and commerce. Southern Republicans were trying to recreate the economics and social environment seen in the north, but were met with fierce resistance from southern
The Civil War brought an end to slavery. Reconstruction came with the hope of transforming the nation. For the Republicans, they had a vision that was building the nation. For example, they used preventive ways to create a new economic policy. Their second part was to reshape the former Confederacy and to explore the events in the West. Despite President Andrew Jackson’s political madness, Republicans believed in the vision and wanted to succeed with their reconstruction plans. Tariffs, the national banking system, and railroads went a long way to the growth of the nation.
When the Civil War ended, reconstruction occurred in the nation and the North and South would be trying to find ways to reconnect the sides in a civilized way. The Reconstruction Era was a time period after the Civil War where the states formerly part of the Confederacy joined back into the United States. But in the process of trying to fix the states, the North slowly started to oppose the idea of reconstruction. The North killed reconstruction by not caring about the problems in the South (document c) and their opinion on blacks in the government (document d).
The South needed to rebuild and recover from the devastation. Reconstruction was meant to help the South become better and join back into the Union after war. Two groups played a big part during Reconstruction. They were called the carpetbaggers and the scalawags. They played a big role because they give an example of what was going on with some of the people during that time and how they reacted (Carpetbaggers, A&E Networks).
During the south reconstruction African Americans lived through many living crises. South Reconstruction began after the civil war ended in 1865 and continued through 1877. It was introduced by the government of the southern whites, although they did not act alone. The reconstruction goal was to abolish slavery for good, and second to recruit trustworthy governments that were loyal to the union and that respected federal authorities. However, For the freed african americans in south reconstruction had a negative impact socially, politically and economically.
After the war Republicans had considerable power and the Democratic party was in shambles, which led to them having their own objectives and visions of Reconstruction. (Nash, et al., 2007., p. 468) Congressional Republicans feared losing their power and attempted to set the tone of Reconstruction by passing a civil rights bill in 1866, refused to seat members from the former Confederacy, and investigated conditions in the South, which led to the passage of the Reconstruction acts that divided the South into five districts. (Nash, et al., 2007., pp. 472-473, 476) Republicans also moved against President Johnson as they reduced the expanded power of the executive branch and eventually impeached him. (Nash, et al., 2007., p. 476) Democrats also had a vested interest in Reconstruction as after the war the party was in shambles and had to grapple for the power to push their interests over the Congressional Republicans. This power contest led to unsavory tactics in the South such as the Mississippi Plan, which was devised as an intimidation tactic to force people to vote Democratic. (Nash,
We can also say that, in a way, Republicans wanted reconstruction to change. There were bigger issues at hand and it was economically draining on the South. A lot of people up North did not like the fact that black Americans were soon sharing a social status with white Americans. The North was no safe space for blacks, there was still prejudice and unfair brutality. One of the only reasons the North was anti-slavery was because they simply did not use it, they used poor white people and other lower class minorities to boost the Northern Industrial work. But that did not stop the inherent prejudice that a majority of people had during that
I bet you know about the Civil War but, what about the Reconstruction time period? The Reconstruction time period was another important part of the Civil War. The reconstruction was the time period after the Civil War. The Civil War was the war against the north and the south over slavery and many other different ways of life. The Civil War pretty much smoothed out the significant differences between the north and south but, that did not mean that the north and south got along well.
There were arguments over who held power over Reconstruction and how Reconstruction would be handled; Radical Reps wanted to tear down the Southern hierarchy (and the democratic party) while most of their party had their eyes on a subtler acceptance of the south
Reconstruction in the South took place between the years 1865-1877, just after the Civil War, however many challenges were encountered which included opposition from the whites and Democrats who viewed reconstruction was going against their interests of owning and utilizing slaves. The Republican party began to split and thus, reconstruction received little support. Reconstruction policies started from the liberation of slaves to presidential plans before changing to radical and then military rebuilding. The first reconstruction policy changed after Abraham Lincoln’s assassination with President Johnson’s restoration plan calling for the ratification of the 13th amendment to end slavery. President Johnson turned to radical reconciliation
Government had brought the seceded Southern states back into the Union, and they ended slavery and they tried their best to protect newly emancipated the slaves. But they rebuilt the nation after a lot more four years of fighting. The reconstruction occurred in 2 phases, the Presidential Reconstruction was very lenient in order Southern states to rejoin the Union quickly, this was initiated by President Lincoln but was carried out by President Andrew Johnson. The Congressional Reconstruction was stricter and protected rights from former slaves and they kept Confederate leaders from regaining power. But, before the Civil War Lincoln proposed his 10% Plan, which was lenient and allowed the Confederate states could re-enter the Union when, 10% of their population had sworn an Oath of Loyalty and they ratified the 13th Amendment ending all slavery. But, the Radicals in Congress had rejected his plan because, it did not protect ex-slaves and didn’t keep them from regaining power, they also wanted to have 50% of the population to swear to an oath of loyalty. But, the states could come back once they ratified the 13th amendment. But, the southern passed black codes in order to keep African- Americans from getting any land, jobs, voting rights, and also protection under the law. Finally, in 1865, the Freedmen's Bureau had been established and offered assistance to former slaves and to protect their new
After the Civil War, there were two major paths of reconstruction–presidential reconstruction and radical reconstruction. Presidential reconstruction was headed by President Andrew Johnson, who believed that the southern states had never given up their rights to govern themselves, and failed to institute any sort of voting requirements. Aside from having to take an oath of allegiance to the Union and pay off war debt, the South was free to do what they like. This leniency led to the instillation of Black Codes and the continuation of wrongful treatment of African Americans. This caused the Republicans in Congress to take control of Reconstruction in the South after Johnson’s
The reconstruction was a transformation for many southern. South was a larger plantation were worked by slavery African American, people from south were waiting for the reconstruction since was favorably for all the people from south, but especially to African Americans since they have were not freed. The amendments were achievements for southern people. Since the government protecting
Reconstruction was a period of time after the Civil War (1865-1877) that was supposed to be the rebuilding of America. It was also the process used to readmit all the Confederate states back into the Union. There was controversy, however, on how to go about rebuilding the nation. Abraham Lincoln proposed a lenient plan. After he was assassinated, Andrew Johnson proposed a very similar plan. The Radical Republicans, a group of legislators that were in favor of freedmen’s rights, were opposed to both plans under “Presidential Reconstruction”. They initiated “Congressional Reconstruction”. Because of the conflicting views, there was little cooperation between the Executive and Legislative branches. This lead to many unsuccessful
Reconstruction is the period of rebuilding the south that succeeded the Civil War (1861-1865). This period of time is set by the question now what? The Union won the war and most of the south was destroyed. Devastation, buildings turned into crumbles and lost crops. The South was drowning in poverty. To worsen the situation there were thousands of ex-slaves that were set free by the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13 Amendment. "All these ex-slaves", Dr. Susan Walens commented, "and no place to put them," The ex-slaves weren't just homeless but they had no rights, unlike white man. The government and congress had to solve the issues present in the south and the whole nation
After Reconstruction the south reverted back to the way it was with slavery, plantations, and the North still in the north. The new form of slavery still looked much like the old; it just had a different name. The south said that they were doing it for the betterment of all, but they just wanted things the way they had been. Now, though, they