
Recycling Essay

Decent Essays

Have you ever thought of a world without trash? If so, it may take a while to find out. It may seem harmless and innocent, but littering is an unhealthy habit people of all ages in each country do every day. Littering is a second nature to some people; after doing it for so long and often, they do not realize they do it. As more and more people continue to litter, environments, animals, and humans are being harmed by people’s carless actions. Most people don’t think that by throwing a piece of trash on the ground could be very harmful, but when that trash finds other trash it starts to build up and turn into junk. This pile of junk starts to become a nuisance to everybody around it. Not only does it stink, it looks bad as well. All this trash also affects out local drinking water, if the trash was to contaminate our local water treatment plant it would force the facility to throw away all that treated water costing us lots of money. The trash also plays a dangerous role within the local wildlife community, animals are becoming injured while in search for food some even dying from getting entangled or caught within the trash. All this trash is also playing a huge role in global warming, when trash sits in the sun methane gas gets released. When high amounts of methane get into the atmosphere it starts to damage the ozone layer which is there to protect life on earth from harmful rays of light coming from the sun. Believe it or not, but that gum wrapper or cigarette butt that

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