
Recycling Is Not A New Concept

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Over the past decade, concern about the environment has brought with it a massive increase in recycling in Australia and around the world. Recycling has become all the time more important part of our modern culture. Recycling is not a new concept. The practice of recycling has been around for thousands of years. The history of recycling started during the times of industrialization.During the time of production, massive waste materials come out. It will create the heavy loss. So from that time they think of reusing the waste products and recycling came to the practice.

Talking about the history of recycling of Australia, the first Australian paper mill was established in 1815. In the 1920s in Melbourne, waste paper …show more content…

(Omran, A2008). Another term to save the earth’s space is sustainability where sustainability means the capacity to improve the quality of human life while living by carrying the earth’s eco-systems. According to the David Suzuki, he puts that the people have to change the sacred stability of nature which has had a negative impact on both humans and other living systems (2016, pp-172)

Aims of the study
The aims of the study are as below:
i. To know to how important is recycling to people. ii. To understand the basic knowledge of people’s recycling views. iii. To know whether the people do recycling at home or not.

There are many data collection methods like an interview, questionnaire, sampling, scaling and many more. For this report, questionnaire method was chosen. Data is collected by primary as well as secondary method. Primary data are collected through questionnaire and secondary data are collected through internet, papers, book and so on.


Recycling is very important in this era because it helps to reduce the volume of waste materials that is being disposed of. There are many methods of doing a report but questionnaire method was chosen. It is easy and reliable survey. From the survey it is seen that many people have an idea of recycling and even

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