
Red Tailed Hawk Research Paper

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The Red Tailed Hawk is one of God’s amazing creatures. It is a great majestic creature that shows Gods guiding gentle hand in its creation. The bird was made toward the top of the food chain. The hawk is able to spot animals from one hundred feet in the air, and attack and kill small prey such as mice, voles, shrews, moles, squirrels, chipmunks, rats, rabbits, opossums, muskrats, cats, skunks, and bats. These are some of the hawk’s prey. This is why it is toward the top of the food chain. These birds most commonly found in North America. It will breed through a wide range from western Alaska and Northern Canada all the way to the west Indies and Panama. The bird is one of the larger birds in its subspecies it weighs about 1.52-3.53 pounds or 690-1600 grams, and measuring 45–65 centimeters or 18–26 Inches in …show more content…

The bird will reach its sexual maturity at the age of 2 years old. The bird is monogamous, which means it mates with a bird for many years or even life. Usually only finding new mates when one of the other mates die. Also while together the mates will defend the same nesting territory for many years. The main threat to the nesting is the Great Horn Owl. The owl begins its mating and nesting before the hawk, so this is why the hawk defends its old nesting. The hawk and owl will destroy both each other’s nests and eggs. The owls are unable to build their own nest so they try to steal the hawks. While the birds are mating they will circle around each other shrilling loud shrilling sounds. The males will then begin to do air shows going up high a diving and climbing again. He may during this briefly grab the talons of the females with his. After the air show which can last 10 minutes or longer the birds will then begin some sexual intercourse. Although there is not always the air show before reproducing. This happens usually late winter to early spring. It will happen multiple times a

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