
Redefining Kinship Through Technology ( Ivf ) And Gestational Surrogacy Essay

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REDEFINING KINSHIP THROUGH TECHNOLOGY The idea of connectedness and kinship had been a topic of argument throughout the history. In the past it was a matter of identifying who the father was since the mother simply was the one who gave birth. However, in the modern days these ideas are being challenged in other complex ways with the involvement of the new reproductive technologies. These novel techniques are biologically assisted form of reproduction where eggs and sperm are manipulated outside of the body. In this case, there can be multiple possible mothers and fathers, and other possible forms of kinship making it even more complex to define what kinship is and how we identify the roles according to the binary notion of parenthood. Through this perspective, I argue that the new reproductive technologies force us to think of kinship and relatedness in different ways and offer us more flexibility in defining kinship. While arguing about how new reproductive technologies have affected our understanding of kinship, I will focus primarily on two technologies: In vitro fertilization (IVF) and gestational surrogacy. Although the two techniques are identical in the way they are performed, they are different in the resulting definitions of kinships of involving patients (Thompson, p. 177). In vitro fertilization is fertilization of eggs with sperm in a petri dish to be later transferred to the egg donor or to a different surrogate. Gestational surrogacy, though involves IVF by

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