
Reentry Think Tank Reflection

Satisfactory Essays

I had a good experience at this event. This is one of those events that I would not have attended if it was not for this course. I did not get the opportunity to stay for the entire event due to work but for the few hours I was there, it was amazing. I was able to hear from formerly incarcerated individuals part of the “Reentry Think Tank” on the struggles they experience even years after being release. It was very powerful to hear them recite these things that they have experience. I heard them say, “even have being out for years, I struggle with work, my family. We are learning to forgive ourselves, we are planning to show our self-worth”. In my perspective, society can be very tough on people that have been incarcerated. I believe this is one of the reasons most people end up back in prison because they are not given a fair chance. I feel like once a person is release from prison, they have a label on their back. …show more content…

She spoke about health care services. She reported that US has the highest imprisonment. She stated how most of the prison population are black/brown people which was not surprising to me. After reading Janet Mock story and having some understanding for transgender women, when Alison stated transgender women being house in men prison, my mind started racing with so many thoughts and questions. I do not think it is fair to house transgender women with men due to the violence and discrimination they face in society. I cannot imagine them being in prison with men and then being denied access to hormones. Alison overall, discussion was on care for people once they leave prison. “Sick people release from prison with no plan”. This is dangerous not just for the person but the society depending on their

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