
Reflection About Concussions

Decent Essays

It was the start to my senior year football season when I became aware of concussions. It was my friend Joe’s last football game, due to too many concussions. Not many of us were aware of how a concussion can affect an individuals’ brain, and for Joe, it was his fourth concussion in High School football. Joe had received concussions during his sophomore year as he was playing in a junior varsity football game, his second concussion game his junior year in the state championship football game. During fall camp before any games had started Joe received his third concussion. His fourth concussion came right after his third concussion due to not letting himself fully heal. When he received his last concussion he could not remember what had happened in the time being, and afterwards our high school football trainer had told him he was to be done playing. After Joe got hurt in the state championship football game, each and every teammate was emotionally drained and felt pain for Joe, but for Joe during this time, he was unaware of what had happened whereas he was talkative and in a happy mood. Ever since I had been apart of Joe’s football career as his teammate, I had never known that concussions could affect someone as much as it affected him. I was first curious about concussions when I was nearing the end of my sophomore year of high school when my brother Tayt received one. It was before a track practice in the locker room where he slipped on the floors and landed right on

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