
Reflection About Procrastination

Decent Essays

Procrastination is a trait that “hides” in many of us. It is very easy to acquire but difficult to shake. Though it is not good to have, I have learned that with hard work you can overcome this ailment. Procrastination is never a good trait. It always seem to be something I couldn’t avoid; however this time I think it made my end product even better.
I had found myself in a room of three strangers; the only familiar face was that of my assistant. I fumbled around trying to prepare my presentation, my assistant found my haste humorous. As I finally got my presentation ready I thought back on how I got to this point. It was my senior project, the last major assignment of my senior year in high school. I didn’t take the easy road, waiting until the last minute. Since then I have learned it is better to finish my projects on time because this something I don’t want to go through again. It was about two weeks earlier; I had just started the assignment that we had the whole semester to complete. My laziness level was at an all-time high but, reluctantly I knew I had to begin. I didn’t even know where to start; all of my classmates were miles ahead of me. “Better just start at the beginning” I thought to myself. So that’s what I did, at a point in the semester I was supposed to be nearly complete. Not to mention this assignment was about 25% of my final grade. That 25% is something I needed as I didn’t have the best work ethic, this would either make or break my final grade.

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