
Reflection Of A Funeral Of My Friend 's Aunt

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Death Funeral customs vary according to the religion, culture, and ethnicity. Religion is the foremost thing that plays an important role in a funeral event. From a cultural perspective when a person dies they must be buried with two weeks in the Nigerian culture. This is because it allows the family to heal faster and get over their loved one and also move into the next chapter. Well, here I am going to describe my experience and observation of attending a funeral of my friend’s aunt. Well, here I am going to describe my experience and observation of attending a funeral of my friend’s aunt.” I saw the obituaries in the newspaper. In addition, I heard about the death from another friend that is the mutual friend of me and my friend whose aunt had died. I did not receive a proper invitation letter for that funeral, and the cemetery was far away from my house. I live in Renton and the funeral was in Bremerton but attended the funeral anyway. I really wanted to console my friend and let her know that she was not alone in this critical time. Funeral in my Nigerian culture is highly valued to the point that everyone would be there whether invited or not. It is perceived as a way to pay their last respect to the dead.
The funeral ceremony was on a Saturday morning at 10am. I saw a graveyard by the side of the road, and other families were also present paying a visit to their deceased loved ones with flowers and some other families were cleaning the

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