
Reflection Of Having A Child In Special Education

Decent Essays

On Friday, October 6th, I met with the parents of C.W. This interview was conducted at 3:30pm at West Middle School in Lawrence, Kansas. To begin the meeting, I asked C’s parents what their hopes and dreams were for their child(ren). I found this to be a great way for the family to open up and begin discussing their children. They were willing to share that C. has always been a kind and gentle. They shared that he is the first member in their home to always lend a helping hand. After bragging on him for a while, they eventually shared an interesting comment about a statement made by his 2nd grade teacher. His teacher had told them during parent teacher conferences that C would likely grow up to be a farmer. Her rationale was that he was slow, methodic, inquisitive, and never in a hurry. Both parents expressed how this comment made six years ago remains fresh in their minds. It was clear that both parents had yet to wrap their heads around what that likely means for their struggling child. The interview continued with me asking more specific questions about their experience having a child in special education in Lawrence Public Schools. I inquired about what they would like to school district to start doing, what the district should continue doing, and what the district should stop doing. Both parents discussed that they appreciated the level of communication with the district. They both felt that all communication was timely and consistent. For example, they appreciated

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