
Reflection On Borderline Personality Disorder

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Reflection Number Three Over the past few units, I have greatly expanded my knowledge about several different psychological topics. Though many of the topics that were discussed sparked my interest, there were two types of disorders that furthered my knowledge, but also eliminated some stereotypes that I had about them. The two main areas that I learned more about regarding these disorders were characteristics of the disorders and different methods of treatment. A common theme that has been discussed in multiple different units is that several psychological disorders can have similar symptoms and characteristics. It is crucial to understand what makes one psychological disorder different than another one. Determining what type of disorders an individual might have can lead to better and more accurate treatment options; treatments methods are important because they help individuals manage their disorders. The two disorders that I found to be the most important and most interesting are borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia. Borderline personality disorder is associated with a variety of different components and symptoms. The two main areas that borderline personality disorder is related to are moods and relationships; both of these areas tend to be quite unstable. The element about borderline personality disorder that I was not aware of was the increased risk that they have of injury or even death by their own hands. It is a common stereotype that is depicted in the media that those with psychological disorders are always acting sporadically and causing harm. It was discussed in this unit that the main reason these individuals are risks to themselves is because of instability, dysfunction, and impulsivity. Though these elements may sound like they match what is portrayed in the media, there are deeper meanings behind them that can cause dangerous behaviors. Instability is associated with relationships; individuals with borderline personality disorder often have unstable relationships because of their lack of emotional control, which can then lead to a constant fear of abandonment. Dysfunction is associated with unstable emotions and is often a good predictor of potential suicidal thoughts and

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