
Reflection On Clinical Strengths And Needs

Decent Essays

A. Clinical Strengths & Needs • Strengths: I met a few objectives this week such as being able to communicate well with my staff and peers and demonstrating professional behaviors. An example of how I demonstrated objective 2, was in the practice lab, I efficiently explained to my peers which Personal Protective Equipment is needed during a current precaution such as droplet and airborne. I also demonstrated objective 2 when we had our one on one meeting and I told you about being nervous for clinical as I have had bad experience with dementia patients. I appreciate you reassuring me that I will not have a combative patient as I truly do want to have a positive clinical experience as well as a therapeutic relationship with my patient. I demonstrated …show more content…

I felt there were many skills crammed into one day. I need to continue to practice the skills outside of class as I think this will help me feel less overwhelmed. I also need to learn how to balance school with exercising. I have a habit of putting school in front of exercising. And I personally feel to be able to effectively care for my patients, I need to care for myself first. B. Focused Assessment/Clinical Note (format TBA per instructors) My orientation to Landmark was a positive and an exciting experience. All the staff at Landmark were extremely welcoming and I cannot wait to start caring for my resident. My goal and hope of this experience is to give my resident the best possible care. I know this experience is going to challenge me and assist me to be the best nurse I can be. My experience in skills lab was enjoyable yet overwhelming. I loved the thirteen different stations such as learning how to assess/listen to heart and lung sounds. However, there is so much to know it became overwhelming. But with practice, I will become more comfortable with the skills. C. Clinical Learning Objectives • List 2-3 learning objectives for this

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