
Advanced Practice Nurses (Apn) Improve Access To Rural

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Advanced practice nurses (APN) improve access to rural and urban primary care (Hunter, Murphy, Babb, & Vallee, 2016). It is difficult as a nurse practitioner (NP) to move between the states and practice due to the differences in laws and regulations within each state. The role of an APN is not fully understood by many people, and continuous education on a NPs scope of practice (SOP) needs to occur. NPs can help the shortage of physicians by providing primary care to those with less complex medical conditions. This gives the physician more time to focus on the complex cases and increase patient satisfaction overall (Bareil, et al., 2015). The APN SOP will be further explored in the following sections as well as a personal assessment, …show more content…

Reduced practice refers to state practice and licensure law that reduces the ability of NPs to engage in at least one element of NP practice. The state law requires a “regulated collaborative agreement with an outside health discipline in order for the NP to provide patient care or limits the setting or scope of one or more elements of NP practice” (State practice environment, 2017). California is under restricted practice limitations, which requires the NP to be supervised in order to provide patient care (State practice environment, 2017).
Under section 2836.1, states that a nurse practitioner may order medications as long as: the medication is ordered according to standard procedures and protocols, the supervising physician is aware and approved,
Personal Assessment According to DeNisco and Barker (2015), advanced practice nurses (APN) should complete a personal assessment prior to pursuing work. This allows the APN to identify their strengths, weaknesses, goals, and objectives – as well as the job location and professional environment in which they prefer. This helps determine the personal characteristics that are needed for the job and characteristics that need to be improved. The following will be of my own personal assessment and how it could be used to obtain a job that is right for me. As a nurse and future APN, my strengths are characteristics that are important to have in order to provide good bedside manner and overall car. They include being

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