
Reflection On Competency

Good Essays

I am very confident with the course competencies. Over the past few months while working in the classroom that I have been working in for the past three years I really focused on the competencies and evaluating myself and how I could better these skills. At the beginning of the semester I rated myself at a 90 percent for my confidence in the competencies, now I would rate myself at a 100 percent. Not only did I evaluate myself, I was constantly asking the lead teacher in my classroom how I was doing with the competencies. This really helped me zero in on the skills and think about ways that I could use the different skills, change how I did some things, and continue to do the skills that I was already strong at. When I started off the semester I found that my weakness was doing full observations. I would find myself making short quick notes and then I would have a hard time getting a full observation. I decided that I was going to focus on getting better at observations I did. When making observations about children’s behavior or their skills I would write the short notes that had the information that I needed, then I would write the observation out that same day in a longer format. I did it the same day so that I could remembers everything that was going on or exactly what happened. This was very helpful for me to create a full observation. Another competency that I worked on over the semester more than others was using a wide range of positive guidance approaches to

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