
Reflection On Human Behavior Experiments

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Reflection on Human behavior…..when humans let go of humanity First of all, what is humanity? When I recall my lectures correctly human behavior is effected by nature and nurture. The makeup of a human genetics and its environment. From what I have learned from my Sociology classes and so far from the Psychology classed is that the ratio is about 50-50 percent. Although I suspect that the neutering and its environment might tip the scale towards an environmental factor what determines our human behavior and our situational behavior. This therefor could be the base of stressors that trigger how humans behave and interact within a society. It is possible the need in human to, fit in, in any situation that grooms a person’s socialization. This has been the base of my thoughts of reviewing “The Human Behavior Experiments” video for this assignment. In regards of “The Milgram Shock Experiment” it is the surrendering of responsibility. During the Second World War many soldiers were heard saying; Befehl ist Befehl which freely translates in English; orders are orders. And this can be found back in this experiment. This is not a German trait but should be observed anywhere where people become dehumanized by events that are often traumatic and seemingly beyond control. This comes even more clearly in the last subject (teacher) the gentleman with the white polo shirt. The subject who is weakly protesting however during a later moment after he voiced his concern passes on all

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