
Reflection On Milk

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Whenever individuals are faced with conflict, they tend to inhibit themselves from learning self worth and growing from their experiences however, if one were to embrace conflict they could make positive changes that explore self acceptance. Through the film Milk, Dustin Lance Black highlights the ambition individuals have when they are placed into subordinate positions, and the lengths they go in order to overcome conflict by acknowledging their self worth. Harvey Milk being the first openly gay politician during an LGBT rights movement advocated for his fellow members of the LGBT community, and spent his time as a councillor pushing for laws that kept queer individuals free from ostracization. Harvey Milks ambition to fight against oppressors …show more content…

A close friend of mine faced an extreme gender identity crisis at age 14, where he realized that he did not belong in a female body and longed to dissociate from a female identity as well. When he first came to me about this, I was overfilled with joy that he had finally accepted and found his true self but, a part of me worried for how outsiders and even others close to him would react to his transition. He is an ambitious young man, but he lacked self worth and constantly dehumanized himself for others entertainment. I was never fond of who he associated with as I saw they had an extremely negative impact on his behaviour and mental health, when he decided to come out as a transgender male to them, my heart stopped. As soon as the phrase “I am not a girl” left his lips I felt the negativity pour from the group, and a sinister smile grew amongst all of them. It wasn't long before they started to jokingly call him “he-she” or “she-male”, which he laughed along with but I knew it killed him inside. He stopped coming to school, at first he would miss a day, maybe two at most but suddenly his appearance became once in a blue moon. He finally decided to show his face at school where he felt limited to nothing more than a joke, but he seemed different. His “friends”, him, and I all shared the same english class, I

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