
Reflection On Work

Decent Essays

Examining my Work, Play, Fit and Push planner for this week I started off pretty strong. Tuesday came and I slacked off a little because I started feeling sick on Monday afternoon and felt even worse Tuesday, so I got preoccupied on trying to feel better and didn’t work on the schedule I planned, besides doing homework and going to my final critique. Wednesday I felt better so I was able to focus on the schedule again, reorganizing my room as well as my bathroom. I want to be strict on myself following today since being sick kind of threw me off schedule and got me unmotivated. For the rest of the week Friday through Sunday I’m going to try to follow the schedule I have picked out since its little more laid back than the rest of the days. Besides the let back of not feeling the greatest I would say this week went pretty well and I can still finish strong this weekend following my plan. This week challenges were mainly because I was feeling a little under the weather and was focusing on feeling better before the convention came. So for the first day of the week I didn’t get to work on my play but I did work on my push. I would say starting off on Monday it was a success and I did get to voice my opinion at work that day, sharing how I felt on a certain matter relating to the production of the print and marketing center at work. Another challenge that I faced is getting my motivation back because although I felt better I still wasn’t 100% so I just tried my best. The

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