
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

I went into junior year without any fear or stress whatsoever. I started a new program at my school called the Associative Arts program in order to graduate high school with a two-year college degree. This program entailed not only taking both on site and online college classes, but also completing high school classes in order to fulfill my high school graduation requirements. Unaware of the academic rigor this year involved, I decided to take AP Chemistry along with these other classes. My older sister took, and passed, an AP class her junior year, so I expected myself to also pass this class. However, in my case, this teacher had never taught an AP class before, especially not chemistry. After completing my junior year, I now understand there is an important difference between setting high goals and pushing myself beyond my limits. The first day of classes took me by surprise. I typically received little to no homework, and what I did receive was not overwhelming. Reality hit me when my college economics teacher assigned reading the entire first chapter of the text book by next class. I realized that this year’s work would have higher expectations of me than my sophomore year. Although my college classes required chapters of reading at a time, I found myself understanding it easily and not questioning my ability to pass the class. However, this was not the case with AP Chemistry. During the reading, I understood the teachings for the most part, but chemistry not only

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