
Reflection Paper On Disability

Decent Essays

In reviewing the required videos and reading on low incidence, there were a large range of how it affected individuals are processed by individuals without disabilities, these videos demonstrates what it is like to try to be normal with a disability. The first video called, Autistic Basketball Player,” presented an enlighten outcome, that people should not assume that individual with disability are not able to contribute to a job or sport. Jason Mcelwain’s a young man with Autism that id given to chase an individual with a disability self-worth is just as valuable as the rest of the team when it come to sport. The second video called, “Breaking Barriers of Autism: The power of Kindness and friendship present how individuals with disabilities are able to leap bounties id one person will acknowledge them. In his lecture he was able to present insight on how lonely it is on another side of the disability spectrum. Video 3 was short and to the point. It was called, “Khale”, Ya-Living with sickie. In this video the emotions were stated about how this little girl seem normal until one day she may be very sick and after acts and passionate like a normal child, and you would not realize that she has sickle cell disease. the video 4 the title was. “Surfing dog teachers disabled kid to surf. In reviewing this video there were not only one person who benefited form a disability but two and a dog. Ricochet was the puppy who was trained from birth to be a service dog through the eye of

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