
Terminating My Internship

Decent Essays

Terminating my internship has left one feeling bewildered because there is a definitive end, therefore, one has to wonder what will happen next. Before addressing the future, one has to examine the development of the internship. The most intimidating feeling was fear throughout my internship simply because I did not want to make any mistakes. Evoking the emotion of fear may lead to a lack of understanding a client when it is time to build that rapport with the children, however; as time declines that sentiment of fear disappears because one feels more comfortable. Indeed, comfortability is a skill that is developed over a period but when it is to depart a sudden feeling of grief consumes an intern. Guilt is an emotion expressed because one discovers that it is hard to walk away from the children especially knowing …show more content…

In the practicum, I learned that in therapy sessions I had to make a definitive statement to the students that I am here to help but reiterate that there are other guidance counselors available. Taking on a role of a guidance counselor on my internship made me learn how to speak a language for children. Interchanging a conversation with children I realized that simplicity is best it; which allowed me to introduce to the children that there are two guidance counselorson staff at this primary school. The guidance counselors are their big friend and is a good support system to talk to if I was not there. Implementing this concept of being a big friend to confide in was a method used in all my sessions because I knew that there was a possibility that I might finish my hours early. My main concern was to make sure my client’s needs were always met, which meant that honesty was a key component in reminding the clients that my position at the school was temporary because I was a Psychology

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