
Reflection Paper On Thanksgiving

Decent Essays

I’ve not been writing or really doing as much of anything as much as I should, but considering that today’s Thanksgiving I feel that I should write at least something. For a lot of Americans, probably most now that I think of it, today is really just a day where we eat a bunch of Turkey and watch Football, maybe watch some of the Thanksgiving day parade as well. For The more liberal Americans, today is usually a controversial day as the history it unfortunately delves a lot into racial politics and genocide. The part time gig I have working in retail shows me that most people really don’t care, though, as our puny Thanksgiving section was quickly swallowed whole by our big giant Christmas section before November even started!

As for me, for the entire month of November I didn’t really care at all. I knew that even if I was going to be celebrating and seeing family members, I was going to be scheduled to work on Thanksgiving, and I always knew that many of the early colonials weren’t as thankful as much as they were greedy and unfortunately did stab the natives in the back, so for me I was always in this boat of who cares? All in all it just seemed like a day where we just all get together to stuff our faces full of turkey and potatoes while we watch the three football games today, which is fun and all but just isn’t very meaningful in the slightest.

It wasn’t until just a few hours ago when I was watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade with my nephew that I really got

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