
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

From Brothers, Cousins, Uncles, Grandparents, and dear friends, I come from a line of servicemen. Whether it is Firemen, Policemen, Marines, Army soldiers, all of these men were impeccably brave. Even though some without combat, I still believe what they did takes an attitude not much people have. While observing them all throughout the years, I noticed how much being a part of their branch means to them. Though they knew, I had no idea why they valued this so much. My brother, 18 now, will leave for the Marines June 26th, this means giving up his whole college life and a small, but important, portion of his life. When he gets back he will no longer be a growing young man. When he finally returns home, he will be the age of around 23-24. And still why do they all do this. To help me find out, I thought about the people I know and the men and women who gave all, and one person who comes to mind is Detective Sergeant Patrick King, a police officer who was killed in 1997. My cousins, in his late twenties, works for the Long Branch Police Department, and many of my family members knew him, and I can’t remember exact details but, I was once told, not from my cousin, of Detective Sergeant Patrick King. He is today lived on by his wife and two children. While Officer King was on a lunch break sometime in 1997, a man, who had a warrant and was sworn to kill as many Police officers as he can before going to jail, approached King and shot him twice from behind. The man then

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