
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

As I walk into school, I was shocked because of how different it was from elementary school. I look at my schedule, and go to my homeroom. The teacher seemed nice so I was already happy. She greets everyone, talks about who she is, and then we are called to the auditorium. We all stand up, and follow the teacher to auditorium. When we get there we are seated on the balcony, I look down and I see the 7th and 8th graders, thinking to myself that I have a long ways to go until high school. The principal walks in, everyone quiets down and listens. The eighth graders already knows who he is because they went here in 7th but the seventh graders went to the 6th grade center, sometimes I wish it was still opened but at the same time I don't because I am so used to it not being here. The principle talks about responsibilities, and how to be a successful student, when It was over, he dismisses us to go to 2nd hour, art. I am not a big fan of art because I am not very good but it was still fun. She talks about the rules, and phones, the main stuff and how not to use the paint. Then it was 3rd hour, pe, he talks about the same thing that happened in last hour. Then I had social studies, MS 101, English, math then science, and they all talked about the stuff I already explained.

The next day, in homeroom, we were able to just do whatever as long it was school appropriate. In art we could draw whatever, and in pe we could play whatever. Then it was social studies, in that class he talked

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