
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Being in a life or death situation, or at least believing you, can radically affect how you feel about the world, and everything around us. To unknowingly shake loose your repressed feelings and thought, through the rush of adrenaline and reflection on your own actions, is a truly freeing experience. While such a freeing experience comes with a terrifyingly dangerous cost, I was able to find a refreshing outlook on life.
It was during the middle of August in the summer of 2015, when I felt a feeling like no other. When fear truly engaged the entirety of my emotional capacity. My family and I were at home, enjoying what would have been a fairly mundane night. While my parents still had work to do, my brother and I were using our free time in the most entertaining ways we could.
My brother, who had just finished his first year of college, was visiting for the summer. He and I would always find ourselves having loads of fun when we were together. That summer would have been one of our best, but fear is a tricky emotion, that tends to cloud the rest of your thoughts and feelings.
We were eating dinner, while our parents were working upstairs. It began with a simple phone call from the neighbors. While I usually take claims of robbers running around in Plainsboro, New Jersey extremely lightly, in that moment, I began feeling genuinely afraid, and frightened for my safety. My brother and I continued to scoff at the idea of a nearby robber, when suddenly the lights in the

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