
Reflection Paper on “Clavijo’s Embassy to Tamerlane”

Satisfactory Essays

History of Kyrgyzstan Kamalov Daniiar ID: 4645 Reflection Paper on “Clavijo’s Embassy to Tamerlane”
Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo who wrote journey diary about “Embassy to Tamerlane” was a Spanish traveler and writer. In 1403-06 he was sent as an ambassador to the court of Timur, founder and ruler of Timurid Empire, by the Henry III of Castile. The original intention of the journey was to meet Timur in his winter pasturage in Qarabagh what is now modern Georgia, but due to the bad weather they were forced to return back to Constantinople to spend the winter. Then they continued their travel, but were unable to catch up Timur because of his rapid moving, so they had to follow his way till …show more content…

He gathered all the professionals from different nationalities, so this city was multinational and had 150,000 souls. He believed that city will grow faster if the people are civilized in it. As I noticed he wrote little about the drawbacks of the Timur, giving only general information. Another important thing for me was that he measured distance in “leagues”.
Clavijo also pays attention to how and with what they fed them. In this narrative you will meet all the time how abundant meat they gave and how they supplied with the needs in every town. These characteristics of these people are still exist in many region which were under the Timure lordship. According to his descriptions this regions have the best melons which are still exist in this territory. Timur paid significant attention to the development of the Islamic culture and improvement of the holy places for the mulim people. Clavijo was astonished with Mosques, Mausoleums Gur Emir that were adorned with the gold and silver tiles. Clavijo and his company witnessed the celebration of the feast at Royal Camp, where they had plenty of meat and all the wives and sons, grandsons of the Timur were called.
There are a lot of sources about the history of the Tamerlane, but Clavijo’s work probably gives the most vivid information on culture, political structure, economics and society in these regions, among the other sources.

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