
Reflective Essay On Ballet

Decent Essays

Ballet has never been my strongest style, although I feel that I have been able to become more of a well-rounded dancer. From the start I have wanted to gain so much with my goals, as well as to find ways to make my movement quality softer.In ballet this semester gave me an opportunity to focus on all of the goals that I wished to work on. Over the semester, I have noticed that I picked up a lot of material, more than I thought when I do not overthink the material and not get stressed out. I noticed that I freaked out in class so much which reflected on my technique and being able to be confident with my movement. At the beginning of this semester, I needed to work on trusting myself with movement material. This has been a struggle for me since day one because I would always have some moments when I would not make a strong choice if I messed up. As the semester started, I knew I did not want to be hesitant with performing the combinations in class.There would often be times in class when I would look down instead of looking up especially at the barre. At the barre I notice how hesitant I would be doing certain combinations making me worried if I would be able to push myself to work harder the rest of the class. In class, I wanted to be able to try the best of my ability to just perform the combinations to not overthink what comes next. I had a tendency of looking down instead of up, which honestly does not help improve myself even more. This goes back to my lack of

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