
Reflective Essay On Race And Ethnicity

Decent Essays

Talk about race and ethnicity, sometimes get hard to keep it in the gray area. My story started with my first time working in USA. When I started that job search in the agencies, I found that mixture of race and ethnicity of people from different countries. Wanting to share with them during work without malice any framework my way of being: the power of labels in race and ethnicity. When you don’t know diverse cultures, it is difficult when another arrives without resentment. When you send us to work through the agency, try to establish a friendship with the co-workers with whom you would spend all day. Understand that being in a country other than yours. While we worked during that day I felt some displeasure on the part of one of the coworkers; because I showed a desire to learn and do my best work, so they can send me to a job. Well. At the end of the day, the supervisor talked to me more and the group's directions were given through me as the one who interacted more with him and paid more attention to the details.
The supervisor sent us to cover and move some things from the house where we were. After finishing moving them, we began to work with the water accident inside the house, everything that was wet directly to the dump. The walls, the wooden beginning, were dismantled little by little and for the dump. The problem started with the African-American, who was working very fast and who paid us by the hour; but the supervisor divided us into two groups of 2 people.

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