
Reflective Essay: Pursuing My Degree In Higher Education

Decent Essays

My first recollection of paid employment was as a paperboy. I recall riding my bike in my neighborhood lobbing paper after paper. I was employed as a camp counselor during the summers of high school. My work experiences paled in comparison to my peers, as I was immersed in athletics, specifically soccer. In retrospect I regret rejecting the notion of pursuing diverse forms of employment during adolescents, as I feel I would have established a positive work identity. College permitted new work opportunities. I played soccer at UNC Charlotte, subsequently the NCAA limited the amount I was allowed to work. When allowed, I worked summer soccer camps while running in restaurant, valet, retail, and office work. My post graduate employment tends to get a bit blurred so it …show more content…

Previously, I attended catholic elementary school, then to public middle and high school. New York State public schooling left a lot to be desired, in my opinion. My high school years offer credence to numerous conventional New York schooling conventions. My high school student population was great in number and at times fierce with numerous security checks, making school feel more like prison than an institution of learning. As one might imagine, I was eager to venture to college in North Carolina. I pursued a dual degree in Health Fitness & Kinesiology and Communication Studies. Upon graduating, I focused on finding employment in the health field. Soon, I realized there was little opportunity in the field. Several of my fellow graduates chased personal training certification or moved to careers such as nursing or physical therapy. At this point I was lost. I found a job, with the aid of a friend, selling payroll. My employment lasted only six months. I am grateful for said experience, without it I doubt I would have formulated my less than fond corporate support. While there are ideal prospects for individuals

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