
Reflective Essay Writing

Decent Essays

I think back to the very first day of composition one and I remember feeling so nervous that my stomach was in knots. Maybe I was scared because it was my first college class and I hadn’t even walked across the stage at my high school graduation. However, looking back I question why I was so fearful. I could have never dreamt of the knowledge I would be gaining in just a few short months. After completing this class I can confidently say I am prepared for comp two and the rest of my college career. Thought the course of comp one I have mastered the learning objectives that will help me in future college classes including: producing an effective writing process, using correct word choice, and integrating sources by using quotes, paraphrases, and summaries.
One of the first things I learned was how to formulate a flawless writing process. Chapter seven of Everyone’s an Author, along with my own personal trial and errors when writing my own essays helped me perfect my writing process. Before writing an effective essay I learned to understand the assignment and look for words that specify a genre as well as choosing a topic that interest me because your writing will naturally be better (EA 81). When writing essay one I was very interested in Pats job and I completely understood what the assignment was asking. This really made it easy to write and made the whole process more enjoyable. Next, I answered rhetorical questions such as, “What is your goal when writing” and “What

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