
Reflective Essay Writing

Decent Essays

On June twelfth, I started a journey of enlightenment I didn’t realize I needed. I had signed up for this class purely to graduate college. I didn’t care about my writing ability, or lack thereof it. But, very quickly I realized something; I needed to better my writing ability. My whole educational career I had skated on by with the bare minimum amount of work; I very rarely took pride in my writing, nor did I feel it necessary to better myself. As this summer semester progressed though, there was a quickly developing realization that I was afraid, and also lacked general knowledge, of proper punctuation. You forced me to challenge myself and become a better writer, and while in the moment I hated you for that; I truly am thankful that I am leaving college with confidence in writing for the first time in my life. If we look at our first assignment, the Berthoff/epiphany paper, we can see the first shining examples of my inability to properly punctuate. From my very first paragraph there was a total of seven marked mistakes; all of which are from not following some of the most basic rules of commas and capitalization. “When the time came and I lost my dog lilly of 17 years, it was the worst day in my life”, in that one sentence alone there was three simple grammar mistakes that I’m embarrassed of making now. I didn’t put a comma after the initial introductory statement, nor did I put a semicolon between the two independent thoughts; hell I didn’t even capitalize a name. I

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