
Examples Of Reflection Journal

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Reflection Journal inspiration that you had during this time period

It has been amazing journey for me to have a class with Prof Milambiling as we always discovered new terms and issues in the field of TESOL. Many times, that I was just amazed with the topic of discussion in each meeting as I always forget that we only have 50 minutes to cover that topic. In this journal, I would like to share my notes about two topics that have inspired me to give more contribution to my work field and these issues were so unfortunate not to be discussed further in the class due to the limitation of time. The first topic is when we discussed chapter 2 of Language Teaching Research of Language Pedagogy by Rod Ellis. Prof Milambiling started the discussion by drawing the class attention to the distinction between formal and practitioner research. In my opinion, most of the cases that formal research does not really contribute to the improvement of teaching ESL in the practice. The motives of conducting such research are mostly for personal interest as they want to write their theses or research that will support their career. This motive will affect to the topic they choose which will likely based on their needs not based on the real problems in the class. I have been teaching English for Secondary school for six years. Some researchers or graduate students visited my class to conduct their research with the topic that I didn’t find useful for me as a practitioner. They developed such

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