
Reformed Epistemology Definition

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Response to Bergmann============================= Bergman's Reformed Epistemology holds a distinction between rational and non-rational beliefs, as well as basic and non-basic beliefs; considering the rationality of religious beliefs to be something independent of their use as the basis of argument. ============================= Bergmann considers rational beliefs to be better and more valuable than irrational beliefs. But Bergmann also distinguishes another axis between basic and non-basic beliefs; that is, beliefs which are sort of autonomously generated (i.e. basic beliefs) and beliefs which we need to learn to infer (i.e. not basic). And because our reasoning, and rational beliefs, require us to link our beliefs about the world to still …show more content…

But this is different from declaring my faith in God--declaring my deliberate acceptance of God; which is something with which I can struggle. One's beliefs can be held immune from question in a way that their active, deliberative faith cannot be. ============================= But can one choose their beliefs? Another concept Pojman presents is the one of volitionalism, that is, the act of deliberatly choosing beliefs, which Pojman acknowledges as a possibility. But Pojman's arguments against volitionalism are that beliefs are socialized into us from our society, imposed on our minds as for how to see/think about the world from a young age. Furthermore, our beliefs can be so automatic that, whether or not we will not to believe in them, we still have them independent of choice. So Pojman seems to abandon this idea that beliefs can be chosen, deliberatively, or even willingly. ============================= Hope is probably what Pojman considers to be the middle ground between belief and acceptance; for one can hope for something to come true that they otherwise know to be impossible. They can hope against all odds; implicitly believing that that impossible thing may happen. And here belief is somewhat more deliberative, which brings it more under our control than pure belief would allow (though belief and hope can seem equally as

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