
Refractive Errors In Child Development Essay

Decent Essays

The focus will the development of a baby’s visual system from the moment of birth to one-year-old of age, including depth perception and color vision. Similarly, the main disorders present in infants will be discussed along with their treatments, and advice on how to determine if a child may have a defect. From the moment of birth, vision is not clear, babies should be sensitive to light and be able to tell movement, but depth perception and full development of cones is not present yet. Over the period from birth to four months, they will focus immensely on objects normally faces as they are learning how to focus both eyes and follow objects with their eyes. At three months of age, the baby should be able to follow objects and try to grab them, …show more content…

According to Kierstan Boyd of the American Academy Of Ophthalmology, any sign of disorder includes squinting along with a short attention span and turning their head to the side to be able to see something better. The refractive errors commonly present in children are hyperopia, commonly known as farsightedness, which is when the eyeball is too short causing light to not focus on the retina but behind it, this causes objects far away to appear clear while the closer ones are blurry. Myopia, or nearsightedness, is when the eyeball is when the eyeball is too long causing the light to be focused on the front of the retina, in this case, objects far away will be fuzzy while the near ones are clear. Another example of emmetropia is astigmatism, which is when the cornea is off shape leading to overall distorted vision. All of these disorders can easily be corrected with correction. Amblyopia, also known lazy eye, is when one eye does not develop fully, therefore visual acuity in one is going to be better than the other. The neural pathway in one eye never develops normally causing the eye to rely more on the developed eye and ignoring the damaged

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