
The Stool Of A Bottle Fed Infant

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Meconium is the first stool of the newborn, it is a mixture of amniotic fluid and secretions of the intestinal glands. According to Leifer, “70% of term newborns pass meconium in the first 12 hours. Meconium should be passed before discharge to ensure the patency of gastrointestinal tract” (Leifer, 2014, p.216). Meconium is a dark greenish black that is passed between 8-24 hours after birth. The stools gradually change during the first week. The stool of a breastfed infant are bright yellow, soft, and pasty. There may be 3-6 stools a day, the number of stools decrease with age. However, the stool of a bottle fed infant are more solid than those of breastfed. There may be 1-4 stools a day for a bottle fed infant, this gradually decreases to …show more content…

Plantar reflex is when infants curl their toes when pressuring the sole of the foot (Leifer, 2014).
Blinking and turning response- the infant will blink to a loud noise and will turn its head toward the noise
Head: the brain grows rapidly before birth, and therefore the newborn’s head is larger compared to the rest of the body. The “head circumference must be measured and should range from 32-36cm” (Leifer, 2014, p.283) .Due to the molding of the head from the birth canal, the fullest part of the head just above the eyebrows is measured. (Leifer, 2014)
Height/weight/chest and head circumference: the following must be measured right after birth. There are several ways to measure height, but the most common and simple way is to place the infant on a scale paper and mark the paper at the top where the head is and extend the legs and marked where the foot is located. This marked length on the paper is then measured in centimeters. The infant is weighed unclothed on a scale in kilograms and then converted to grams for gestational age assessment. (Leifer, 2014)
Eyes: the healthy newborn can see and can fixate on points of contrast. The newborn shows preference for observing a human face and follows moving objects. Toys that make sounds and have contrasting colors attract the newborn. Most newborns seem crossed eyed because their eye muscle coordination

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