
Rehabilitation Is The Best Punishment For Juvenile Crime

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When it comes to juvenile crime, there is a concern for the offender, the innocent, and accountability for their actions. The major three values for the philosophical justification for punishing juvenile crime is…retribution, deterrence, and rehabilitation also known as correction in the juvenile court system. There is no doubt that if a crime is committed, the offender should and shall be punished. The doubt come in when the offender(s) are under the age of eighteen which is the majority for most states. A juvenile crime is different case-by-case, therefore, there is a debate on the severity of the punishment. Should we transfer to adult court or punish by means of retribution, deterrence, or rehabilitation in juvenile court? Out of the three philosophical justification for punishment, I think rehabilitation fits best with juvenile crime. The reason I believe that rehabilitation is the best punishment for juvenile crime, is the fact that adolescents in today’s society have many hurdles to overcome in their life. Adolescents no matter their background, poor or rich, black or white, has issues coping with family matters, peer pressure and sometimes substance abuse. According to Reimagining Defense Counsel, “The court has recognized that adolescents are less blameworthy for the offenses they commit because of actions and they are more vulnerable to external pressures” (Cardozo Law Review, p. 1122). Researchers have found that adolescent brains are still under development

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