
Rejection From One Caregiver At An Early Age

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Abstract Rejection from one caregiver at an early age is negatively related to a wide variety of outcomes. This paper will review multiple studies that highlight the effects of perceived parental rejection on children. This research includes attachment and resilience in relation to parental abandonment. This paper will also discuss play therapy as a possible therapy for rejected children to mitigate negative effects such as rejection sensitivity, depression, and anxiety. Introduction What does parental acceptance or parental rejection mean? According to a study by Khaleque and Rohner, parental acceptance refers to parents’ feelings and expressions of love, affection, care, comfort and support or nurturance toward their children. In this study, parental rejection is defined as the absence or withdrawal of warmth, love or affection by parents toward their children. The expression of parental rejection takes on many forms. Some parents distance themselves by being cold and distant with their children. They might seem indifferent to their child’s existence or neglect the child. Parents also might become hostile and aggressive towards their children. Khaleque & Rohner describe that PARTheory is “parental acceptance-rejection refers to a bipolar dimension of parental warmth: Parental acceptance at the positive end of the continuum and parental rejection at the negative end” (Khaleque & Rohner, 2012; Rohner, Khaleque, & Cournoyer, 2012). Other causes of parental rejection are

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